In recent years, the newly launched Longchamp outlet, is very young and flamboyant, can match many styles of clothing, versatile and cute. The cost-effective is also very high.
Coach’s Willis tote bag, the newest size 18, retails for $4,500. It’s worth it for both office workers and student parties. The bag is a replica of a classic Coach bag from the 1990s, with brass locks and an hourglass buckle to give a simple flap shape, and a chic single handle to accentuate the style.
Many readers have mentioned that they will pick different bags according to different occasions. However, in fact, except for some special occasions, we can use one bag for many daily occasions.
In my opinion, many bags will fit as long as you avoid these points. First, don’t choose materials that have obvious scene limitations. For example, an all-flash diamond will hook people into a party bungee scene. Even though it’s nice to look at, you have to admit that it’s a little off-putting in most situations. Second, pay attention to those bag types that have more fixed style attributes. For example, a fanny pack is fashionable and stylized, but it’s obviously inappropriate to carry it to a business meeting.
Finally, don’t choose a size that is too small. How hot is the mini bag? I believe that we all witnessed, but as long as the face of life in a variety of scenarios of the bag, is certainly inseparable from the practicality of this point, and the capacity of the mini-bags …… There are actually quite a lot of bags that can avoid these three points, including Chanel’s Classic Flap, Celine’s Calssic, and Delvaux’s many models of bags ……. Among the latest trends, Bottega Veneta’s The Arco and Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories are good. The Arco and Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories are all great. You’re a capable woman at work, a fashionable woman at the mall, and a cute, flamboyant girl on a date.
I would recommend Wandler’s Hrtensia, which is a bag that Angelina Jolie has drafted. It is minimalist, modern, elegant and has many different ways to carry it.
In addition to the aforementioned major aspects, these details should not be overlooked when buying a bag. From the reader’s buying experience, there are two things to pay special attention to. The first is the bag’s own weight.
The best way to find out the actual weight of a bag is to try it on in a store, but that’s not the only way, because the material or design of some bags can actually reveal some information about their weight. If the tote bag is made of canvas with a special coating like Goyard’s or Louis Vuitton’s Neverfull, it’s generally lighter in weight, making it perfect for commuting.
A lot of Longchamp bags sale are really not solid back, so heavy. Although the thick chain is now very hot and beautiful, but you should also weigh its weight in your acceptable range. After all, if you have to carry it for a long time, it is still quite abrasive. Like Bottega Veneta’s The Chain Pouch, although the chain looks big, but because of the special material, in fact, the weight is only 0.7kg, quite light, like the chain design can consider it.
If you’re looking for a large capacity, you can focus on the tote bag when selecting it. It’s also a great way to get the most out of your money. Don’t forget the cheap Longchamp bags among the lightweight and functional bags. They are not only functional, but also age-appropriate, youthful and energetic, making them a strong contender.